Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ancient Healing Sound Therapy Retreat

How can you remain clear and calm inside when things outside are filled with challenge? 

Come prepared for a rare, restful, deeply satisfying, meditative experience. This ancient process magnetically helps you tap into the source of your hidden power with clarity and confidence.

Over the course of three days, Eliana will gently and skillfully chaperones a deep discovery process tailored to the needs and desires of each participant and the group as a whole. An alchemic blend of healing sound therapy, guided meditation, creativity and rare ancient feminine wisdom practices from the near east of pre-biblical times, weaves a sublime tapestry that allows for your profound and focused personal awakening. 

This can be a turning point for your life, your health and your well-being.

Each day, Eliana will compose special music for each participant and the group using a powerful holistic healing modality known as Voices of Eden - Ancient Healing Sound Therapy. 
Developed by Eliana, this unique - evidence based healing sound therapy bypasses the rational mind, removing subconscious blocks in the nervous system which prevents your body from healing. 
As the blocks are removed and balance is restored, you body and mind begin to return to their natural states of healing and manifesting. The group lovingly holds the space during the sessions treatment and glean insight from the conversation as it applies to their personal circumstances and experiences.

La Casa de Maria Retreat Center in Santa Barbara

Less is more. 
Slow is fast. 

This is the main focus of the retreat and of the 
Voices of Eden Ancient Healing Sound Therapy as well.

Voices of Eden is a living experiment creating Eden on earth, one authentic voice at a time. Imagine as each one of us stops long enough to listen to themselves, then expresses their unique voice, and we hear each voice uniquely. Together that forms a unified whole. This is Eden!

Clients Share Their Experience

  "The Proof is in the Pudding"      

Emma Warmington, Business Owner, Yoga Teacher Trainer

                              "Hearing Your Voice in Another Way"                                                          

 Ping Ho, Director - UCLA Healing Arts Initiative 

"The time, energy and financial investment are worth more than money or words could ever say."

Sharon Rose, Community Leader

"I worked with Eliana in private retreat using the ancient sound method that taught me how to apply what I learned. Rather than just being sounded upon, I am a real participant in the whole process!! 
Medical and scientific research has been done to validate her work.   

I healed deep anger that had been bubbling up.  After this cleared, we moved to healing my brain from the effects of several mini strokes which occurred in May, 2014. The strokes left me bed-ridden.   I thought I'd never be able to go anywhere again other than short jaunts in town.   

Yet in May 2015 I flew overseas to be with my family! The time, energy and financial investment are worth more than any money or words can say. Deep gratitude and blessings." 

      "I've Been Around...This is Really Different!"  

           Mike DiMenno, Facilitator and Business Manager

Eliana says:

"Leaders give all the time, but who gives to the leaders?  This is my role.  My favorite thing in the world is to create healing rejuvenation retreats to support conscious seekers and change-makers going through change to stop and gain a new perspective by re-connecting to the source of their feminine power and authentic voice. 

When I speak of feminine power, I'm not referring to sex e.g. "woman" or "man". I'm referring to qualities of nurturing, nourishment, patience, acceptance, allowance. Living in the Ancient Near East for 20+ years has provided me profound wisdom through standing and living in my feminine power. My heart soars each time I imagine sharing this with you.


There is this ancient source of feminine power, not readily recognized in the West, that is so supportive, so soft, so nurturing, that your nerves just melt into butter inside, no matter what is going on around you. 

Imagine yourself at ease, empowered, finally having time to listen to your true voice (whether you write it, sing it, say it)...there's ample time for it all, AND...NO need for any musical or singing talent. There's no performance here either.  Just you being supported in being the powerful wonderful person whom you already are." 

 "Spontaneous Creation"  

There is ample time for you to rest, have time to yourself, and ample time for connecting with others. In this retreat, there is no "right or wrong". 

To experience a delicious taste of this sublime healing sound:
Come to one of the upcoming FREE events in June.
Details are on the right side bar.

If you are interested and have questions, leave a message on the side  bar. 
You can call Eliana: 310-951-3947 
or email: elianagilad at

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